Archived editions

Stars and Stripes makes many of its editions from 1942 - 1999 available through Stars and Stripes Digital Archives. The historic archives presently include editions from London, Northern Ireland, and the Mediterranean (Africa, Italy and the French Riviera) from 1942 - 1946, as well as the Europe and Pacific editions from 1948 - 1999. Membership rates for the digital historic archives range from $4.95 for a single day, $7.95 per month, or $47.40 for an annual one. The historic archives are searchable by keyword and dates. Subscribers can also explore the content issue-by-issue, page-by-page. We are in the process of digitizing the remaining 1943 - 1947 editions and will add those editions to the historic archives as soon as they are completed. If you are looking for an article from a year not yet digitized, or have another research or reference query, please contact the Stars and Stripes library and archives staff. Stars and Stripes Library & Archives: or Stars and Stripes ATTN: Library & Archives 529 14th St. NW - Suite 350 Washington, DC 20045-1301.

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    I am trying to locate an article and photo that was taken of my sister and brother and I while we were stationed at SHAPE Belgium between the years of 1970 - 1973. Can you please direct me, as I am new to your page, as to where I may start to look for such an article please?

    We have a family " bet " going as to the existence of this picture/article and I plan on WINNING the bet lol. 


    Thanks for all your help in advance,

    Lisa (Spires ) Jones 

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    In addition, if it helps... my address then was 6-D Ottawa de 'Avenue, SHAPE Belgium. My father was USAF working for General Schaefer, who worked for General Goodpasture and he also worked with General Tallman when we moved to Brussels after General Schaefer retired.

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